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All-inclusive Marketing tool

We Help Small-team Business and Solopreneurs To Increase Sales by 10X with Our All-In-One Sales Platform

Business Solutions specifically designed to help small businesses and solopreneurs manage their customer relationships, streamline their operations, and ultimately grow their business. 

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Accelerate Your Business's Growth

All-in-One Platform to streamline your operations, connect with your customers, and drive sales.

Our powerful platform is designed to help you streamline your operations, connect with your customers, and drive sales. With InnoStar Digital, you’ll be able to manage all your customer data and interactions in one place, making it easier than ever to provide top-notch customer service.

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Grow your Business with InnoStar Digital's ACCE ™ Framework

ACCE ™ (Attract, Connect, Communicate, and Expand) is a business strategy that focuses on attracting new customers, connecting and communicating effectively with them, and expanding the business by retaining and growing customer relationships.

ACCE ™ emphasizes the importance of building strong customer relationships by providing excellent customer service, personalized marketing, and effective communication across multiple channels.

By following the ACCE ™ strategy, businesses can improve their customer satisfaction, increase customer loyalty, and ultimately grow their business.

Attract Qualified Leads

Empower your Website

Maximize your website’s power with our solutions! Track website visitors, capture lead information, and personalize your messaging to increase conversions.

create converting landing pages

Our CRM landing page creator makes it easy to design and create landing pages that are optimized for conversions.

create enganging social media posts

Create and schedule social media posts that are designed to engage your target audience and build brand awareness.

create OPTIMIZED blogs

Create blog posts that speak directly to your target audience’s needs and interests, while also being optimized for search engine visibility.

Create strong connections

maximize your social channels

Manage your social channels inside the platform. Integrate your  social media accounts, schedule posts, and engage with your followers in one place.

personalize your interactions

Manage your customer relationships effectively in a centralized location. Track customer interactions, purchase history, and other important information to personalize customer’s services.

efficient follow-up

Send personalized, automated emails and texts to follow up with customers after a purchase, or to remind them of upcoming appointments or services. Providing timely and relevant follow-up communication helps to establish strong connections with your clients.

targeted marketing

Our CRM enables businesses to segment their customer base and create targeted marketing campaigns. By sending targeted messages to customers based on their interests, preferences, and purchase history, businesses can provide relevant and valuable information that helps to strengthen the connection with the customer.

Communicate effectively

send text messages to your clients

 Innostar Digital CRM offers a messaging platform that enables businesses to send text messages directly to their customers’ mobile phones. With this tool, businesses can effectively communicate with their customers.

create targeted email campaings

Our CRM provides an email marketing platform that allows businesses to create, send, and track email campaigns. With this tool, businesses can segment their email lists, personalize their messages, and track the effectiveness of their campaigns.

answer phone calls and follow-up

 Innostar Digital enables businesses to manage their phone communication with their customers. Easily assign phone task to the appropriate department, record calls for training purposes, and provide excellent customer follow-up.

integrate chat and answer 24/7

Chatbots can help businesses to provide 24/7 support to their customers by automating simple tasks and providing quick responses to common questions. They can also help to reduce the workload of customer service teams by handling simple inquiries, freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues.

Effective Communication

Expand your business

Automate Your Sales Process

Innostar Digital CRM enables businesses to automate their sales process, from lead generation to closing deals. 

empower your team

Innostar Digital CRM’s task management tools allow businesses to assign tasks to team members streamlining their workflows and improving communication across the organization.

Free Up Time to Focus on Growing

InnoStar Digital helps businesses automate their marketing tasks and campaigns, freeing up time to focus on strategic planning and growth.

Measure your efforts

InnoStar Digital CRM provides a conversion rate metric for each stage of the sales pipeline, allowing businesses to track how many leads are turning into customers. This helps businesses identify where they may be losing potential customers and make necessary adjustments to their sales process

all the tools you need


Like Product StarGet more reviews, respond to customer feedback, and establish trust with potential customers.


Text messaging Effortlessly connect with your customers and manage conversations in a single inbox.  


Pipeline FunnelFrom lead tracking to deal closing, the tools provide a clear overview of your sales progress. 


Simplify your payment processes and enhance your customer experience. 

Social Channels

Grow your social media presence and engage with your customers from one place.


Connect with your customers, provide support, and capture leads directly from your website. 

Email Campaings

Design eye-catching emails, automate your campaigns, and track your performance,

Online Appointments

Online appointment Facilitate online booking, manage appointments, send reminders, and convert more leads. 


Send personalized emails, automate your email sequences, and track your email performance.